Dear friends,

we are pleased to announce the launch of our new and updated website at Now it works on the new engine and has a brand new appearance. We continually do our best to make the new website responsive across all platforms and devices.

Our goal during the redesign process was not only to create a new web representation but to mark an important milestone in development of our projects. The new website signifies that we have entered a new stage and are ready to present results of our work to the public. The new website is the place where these results will soon be announced and published.

Another point the new website means for us is that we are keeping going forward and now can keep you further up to date through an added newsfeed. And there will be more features, and functions, and content, and news – so stay tuned! We hope that you will enjoy our new look and feel. In case of any questions, comments, or suggestions you are most welcome to contact us at info[at]

Thanks a lot for your attention and time, and let’s have a feast!

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